Fiat Melfi

Fiat Melfi


Location: Melfi (Potenza)
Status: Finished
Products used: S/C 2000, SIGMA

There is a bit of Isolpack in every Fiat industrial plant: the complete range of panels and metal sheets has been repeatedly used on different buildings in Mirafiori headquarters in Turin as well as in other locations. But if there is an establishment that can be used as an example of how our products are used in the construction of an industrial building, then this is certainly the Sata/Fiat plant in Melfi, in the province of Potenza.

Built between 1991 and 1993, the plant occupies a vast area of over two million square meters. There are mainly two Isolpack products that has been used in the construction of the building: for the roof the S/C 2000 corrugated metal sheet  while the insulated panel DECK SIGMA was used for the internal ceilings of the plant.

ISOLPACK SpA Vittorio Emanuele II, 99
10128 Turin

Vat N°: 07439930012

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